Photo of OBED CALDERON Mexico

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Obed Calderon is a painter Reynosa, Mexico.

Began painting professionally since he was 16 years old, taught himself to learning from books and practices travs.

Exhibits for the first vezen December 2005 at the University of Tamaulipas Tecnilgica North.

At 18 years he won first place in the category \"D\" (16-19 years) at the state level in the XIV Youth Drawing Contest organized by the Council of...

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See everything we offer you!
16.54 x 20.47 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
9.84 x 13.78 in
15.75 x 19.69 in
5.91 x 7.87 in
9.84 x 9.84 in
27.56 x 19.69 in

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Photo of OBED CALDERON Mexico

Obed Calderon is a painter Reynosa, Mexico.

Began painting professionally since he was 16 years old, taught himself to learning from books and practices travs.

Exhibits for the first vezen December 2005 at the University of Tamaulipas Tecnilgica North.

At 18 years he won first place in the category \"D\" (16-19 years) at the state level in the XIV Youth Drawing Contest organized by the Council of Tamaulipas population (CONAPO).

Study the mural by Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, JosClemente Orozco, Rufino Tamayo yManuel Rodriguez Lozano in Mexico City at the same time studying the work of Desiderio Hernandez Xochitliotzin Mural, Jess Hurtado Artemio Guerra in Reynosa and Tamaulipas.

At 20 years of age get the second place in the category \"E\" (20-24 years) in the XV Youth Drawing Contest organized by the Council of Tamaulipas population (CONAPO)

It keeps building, also as a writer being the author of the series of interviews biogrficas the name \"Know Who does art in Reynosa\" by way of cultural diffusion of artists Reynosa.

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